Thursday, 11 October 2018

In which TSH goes it alone in north west China

Somewhere between Pit 3 and the exhibition hall, Diva realised that not only could she not see TSH but that she had not seen him for a while. She looked ahead and behind and to each side but he was not there. The group moved on and he still did not appear. Into the exhibition hall, down the stairs and still nothing. She eventually found the tour guide and suggested that she should go to look for him. She was told in no uncertain terms that she was not to leave the group. The guide did not want to be searching for two lost British pensioners. The Silversea escort went off, as did one of the tour guides, complete with a card with his name on it.

TSH has a well-established habit of racing ahead, or dawdling or shooting off to one side. All in the interests of taking the perfect picture which is not cluttered up with the tour group. Diva long ago stopped following him and took the decision to do what she wanted to do and catch up later. Normally it worked out OK but not this time.

The whole Xian site is a mass of people, mostly in tour groups, mostly Asian people who do not speak English and would be unable to understand or help. And he had no mobile phone and the cards which the guides has handed out with their details were one per couple and Diva had theirs. 

When he eventually appeared with the Silversea escort, he had a broad grin on his face. Relief at being rescued. But Diva was not smiling and his smile enraged her even more. She had let her fertile imagination run riot and was really quite worried, as well as furious at missing the exhibition hall. So there was a major discussion in front of everybody, which shocked the  Chinese guide, who misguidedly tried to calm Diva down, Which just ramped it up.

He completed his disgrace by losing his ship card somewhere on the journey. Fortunately he was allowed back on and was able to enjoy dinner in the suite - salmon salad, spring rolls, club sandwich, cheesecake, champagne. Followed by drinks in a bar with a good view of the impressive Shanghai night-time skyline.

The TSH version (or defence) follows. Pit 3 was quite dark and crowded and yes TSH did wander a little to get the perfect photo. He was aware that the Silversea rep was about ten feet in front to his left and the main group were to his right further back in the Pit. When he turned round they had all gone but to where he did not know. Adopting a sensible survival strategy, TSH stayed where he was, in the belief that he would be missed at some time and a search made for him. After an anxious few minutes the Silversea rep appeared and an obviously relieved TSH broke out into a smile which was not welcomed on his reunion with Diva.

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